My Tribe Is Key

I have been incredibly blessed by the Body Positive Movement. It has opened my eyes to who I am and who I can be. It’s a lifestyle change, in many ways. I’ve changed the way I see my body, and the way I treat it. I speak to and about myself differently.

10516644_10152622729965189_613538588093801573_nAs a learn and grow into a more confident, well-rounded (boo-ya) woman, I’ve been blessed to have an amazing support system. Any goal becomes more accessible when you have a strong team behind you. Whether it’s challenging your mentality, or any challenge for that matter, it’s the support system that gets you through the humps. Supportive, understanding friends will cheer you on and help you feel stronger. My tribe of friends are my inspirations on this journey.20150214_185614

I am also incredibly blessed with an amazing husband. I am reminded, almost daily, how beautiful I am to him. He tells me that I look as stunning as they day we met. My partner loves me for who I am as a person.

Unfortunately, not everyone is as lucky as I am. Some have people in their lives advocating the exact opposite of self-love. Not everyone has caught up to the idea that society’s skewed messages about body image and beauty are created and maintained by industries that need IMG_8319women (and men) to hate their bodies in order to survive. In the face of such opposition, it would be hard for anyone to improve their self image.

It is so important to learn that the only opinion that matters is our own. This is imperative when talking about body image and self esteem. That is why it is so important to have a support system that understands. Surround yourself with people who motivate and inspire you. They are the sunblock against the harsh “BS rays” of the world.

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